Fishing nets are considered one of the life-long tools used for fishing. The first materials for the name of the net were woven from nature such as grass, flax, tree fibers and cotton. But today, most fishing nets are made of nylon, although there are still nets made of wool or silk.
In fact, fishing nets do not develop much in shape but they are diverse in the materials used for them. Today, they are made from synthetic materials that make them more durable, lighter and cheaper.
Fishing is not only a recreational activity on the sea or in rivers and lakes, but it also brings a lot of profits for seafood products. In addition to fishnets, they also have many functions such as catching shrimp, crabs and fish specialized in saltwater or freshwater areas. But the deduction is still from the target and the need that you want to catch to pick out the nets you want.
1. Types of fishing nets
1.1 Gillnets and entanglement fishing nets

It is known that gill nets and entangled nets consist of a sheet or nets held vertically in the water column, possibly in contact with the seabed or suspended above the sea surface.
Above all, mesh size is intended to determine the size range of the species caught. Correct mesh length and dimensions are specified by the individual jurisdictions. They are commonly used in offshore and coastal waters, rivers and estuaries.
You can see that fish are often caught in a net in one of three ways; The first is fish gills, fish wedges (meaning fish are held tightly in a net around the body by one or more meshes), tangled (usually fish caught in the net by certain parts of the body).
1.1.1 Pelagic gillnets fishing net

Pelagic gillnets fishing net is considered gill nets or drift nets, these are utilized in some areas well regulated and fishing law, some types of fish are prescribed for fishing in tropical shark and mackerel waters, and a few areas in Southern Australia. In particular, they are made up of individual meshes that are interconnected, making it easy to disassemble or replace damaged parts.
Furthermore, they are mostly located in open water, above sea levels, with one end of the net normally attached to the vessel.
1.1.2 Demersal gillnets fishing net
They also have many other names such as bottom gills, shark nets, graball nets or trellis nets used to target Gummy Shark,... Most of the state-run fisheries also use gills. demersal fish for fighting fins. Besides, the gills are close to the gills of the floating but famous fish and the fish on the ocean floor.
1.1.3 Offshore-set gillnets fishing net

Nets with many other names such as swing nets, drag nets, running nets or offshore gill nets, they are mostly located in estuaries and near the coast.
In general, they are widely used throughout Australia, mainly southern marine fish species such as mullet, sea bream, trevally, Luderick, Banded Morwong, warehou, flat, Mulloway and King George Whiting. In contrast, in Queensland, Australia's Northern and Northwest Territories, Barramundi and Threadfin are major target species.
To set up the gills they had to use small boats. And the subject line is tied to a tree or fixed on the bank above the high water mark. Depending on the tide and the species is targeted to carry the net in the right direction of the water. The net gills are mostly set at a water level of at least 2 m, coastal stingrays are often anchored on the coast and you can see them exposed at low tide, only catching fish at high tide.
1.1.4 Running fishing net

The net is placed in shallow water, has a shallow stream, between a boat and a canal and is only used for shrimp. The net is made along the anchor boat at the end of the net.
Swing nets are mostly used in South Australia to capture Mulloway around estuaries and they are mostly located on coasts. The nets sway with the tides and are then pulled back to shore.
1.1.5 Ring fishing net

Also known as surround nets, cow-fin nets, bunting nets, ring capture, pull force, flush or circular trawls, are mainly used in many regions of Australia for species such as mullet, garfish, etc. Australian herring and whip. They are composed of a straight net placed around the fish visible on the surface of the water.
1.2 Surrounding fishing nets
1.2.1 Purse-seine fishing nets

Surrounding fishing nets make use of their habit to catch floating fish. They work by enclosing fish flocks surrounded by net walls that prevent fish from escaping to the outside.
The fishing net is so popular in the southern areas of Australia for catching a number of sardines, jack mackerel and bluefin tuna.
Furthermore, the bottom of the mesh is placed in advance and reinforced firmly since this is where the fish will gather the most before dragging the mesh. Around the bottom of the net are wallet rings that are evenly attached by ropes or chains. You can imagine when the wallet line runs through loops; When the line is pulled, they close the net bottom quickly before the fish is out.
Additionally, the wallet straps are tied in from both ends, closing at the bottom of the net. Then the nets are pulled towards the boat, and the catch is pumped or lifted by the landing net. Every few days or weeks the whole seafood will turn to cage aquaculture.
1.3 Seine fishing nets
1.3.1 Seine fishing net
For this type of Seine fishing net, there are usually two long wings and a focused segment and retain the catch. Actually, the length of the rope is added to the end of each wing. These ropes are prominent and can be extended widely when the area needs fishing, in addition they add minimal resistance to the towing operation. According to the fishing principles of the experts, the fish do not swim over a moving object in the water and instead swim before the object, so it is easy to put the fish with ropes and wings into the net.
1.3.2 Beach-seine fishing net

They are also known as trawl nets, nets, baitfish fins, snapper fins, snapper fins, estuarine fins or fins and are widely used throughout Australia for mackerel, whip, and fish. anise, red snapper, tailor and sea bream.
In terms of net structure, there may be a loose net and also a buoy area to hold fish, which can be understood as a bag at one end of the net or in the middle of the net.
Beach-seine fishing nets in general can be placed around a school of fish or in a fish gathering area. The net is then placed in a tricycle or released in shallow water, with the first line length perpendicular to the shore, the net placed parallel to the shore and the second back to the shore.
Next, the ropes are pulled onto the beach with a steady hand, a tricycle or tractor, to stack the fish into the net. And keep going when you get fish.
1.3.3 Danish seining fishing net

It is considered the main form of boat arrest and is popular in areas such as in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia to catch a variety of species including emperor, flatfish, whip and red fish.
Similar to Beach-seine fishing net with a depth of 150 m for fishing along the seabed. Best of all, the mesh has buoyancy, the length of the wire used on each wing can be more than 40 times the length of the actual mesh. The rules for setting up and transporting are similar to the rules used for Beach-seine fishing nets, but the practice of towing fish from a boat rather than on the beach. The gears, on the other hand, are designed in a pear-shaped pattern, with a net at the base of the pear and ropes forming the sides. It incorporates translational motion to close the net and pull the rope with the power winch.
1.3.4 Haul fishing net

Used in areas such as South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria to catch Snapper, Snapper, King George Whiting, Southern Calamari and sea bream. Similar to the Danish seining fishing net, also depending on the target you want to drop. It is mostly used on small boats in shallow water more than 5 meters, but can be deployed in waters deeper than 20 meters when the target is Snapper.
They have short ropes and are pulled by hand or used mechanically while the train is stationary. The net has only one wing, and there are rings at the base of the net with a line for catching prey.
1.3.5 River prawn seines fishing net
River prawn seines fishing net, also known as sniffing seines, are used in the bays and estuaries of New South Wales to catch bay shrimp and crayfish from small boats. Similar to the Danish seining fishing net, but the only difference is that the net has smaller eyes and the rope is quite short. They are set up and shipped in the same way as the Danish seining fishing net
1.3.6 Lampara fishing net

With another name given the ocean garfish haul nets, they are used in Australia to catch sardines, anchovies and mackerel. This is a special kind of surround mesh with long, tapered mesh blades added to each side of the float), giving the net a striking scorpion shape. The nets are mainly used at night with lights.
1.4 Trawl fishing nets
1.4.1 Beam trawl fishing net

Beam trawl fishing nets are used in Queensland to capture shrimp and fly shrimp. In the north of Queensland and the Northern Territory, a cluster trawl is sometimes used to sample catch in the otters net shrimp fishery. Besides, they are also very simple to use for small boats, especially in restricted areas such as lakes and estuaries.
In general, they are composed of two bent steel plates; The height of the end panels determines the longitudinal opening of the mesh. Together with the straight bar connecting the ends of the end panels, they play a role in determining the width of the horizontal mesh. The upper part of the mesh is attached to the beam, while the foot section is attached to the back of the end panels.
1.4.2 Demersal otter trawling for fishing net

Demersal otter trawling for fishing net, also known as prawn trawling, is common in all states except Victoria and Tasmania. The main fishing targets include tiger shrimp, banana shrimp, king shrimp and tiger shrimp. Demersal otters' nets for shrimp, they do not use grounding equipment, sweeping, turning or long wings. And usually there is a small size mesh in the code board and the body.
According to the shrimp lifestyle, it is usually cavernous or live on the ocean floor. To avoid missing shrimp in the net, a ground chain is used below the bottom of the net. This causes them to be acquired as they jump onto the path of the oncoming net.
1.4.3 Semipelagic otter trawl fishing net

Known by many names such as semi-submersible trawl nets or semi-submersible nets near the seabed, they are made up of a trawl net, wing-tip weight and a dropper in contact with the seabed. And they are mainly used for fishing in the northern Ohio territory.
1.4.4 Midwater trawling for fishing net

This type of nets is mainly used to target pebbles such as Redbait, Jack Mackerel and Blue Mackerel fishes. They resemble submerged fish nets, except that they are lighter in structure and larger nets with short or absent wings. In addition, most meshes are connected via a long bridle and help the mesh open horizontally. And vertical opening thanks to the buoyancy of the header and weight on the hocks. On the other hand, the position of the mesh is controlled by the length of the warp and by varying the speed of the train.
1.5 Cast fishing net

This is a relatively small round net of 1. 5-4 meters and has a weight at the edge thrown from the hand and used to catch small fish when the net is pulled back.
1.6 Trammel fishing net

It is known that trammel is another variant of gillnet. They are made up of three layers. The first layer has a fine mesh and is sandwiched between two larger mesh layers. Furthermore, it is also placed upright and used for fishing or crustaceans.
1.7 Push fishing net

It is a small mesh form, but the lower abdomen is large and is placed in a rigid frame. Usually they are pushed along the bottom in shallow water to catch shrimp and small fish living in the bottom layer.
2. Handle fishing net
The handle is an important part of the efficiency of fishing because during the production process they hold and distribute the weight of the fish it is designed to catch.
But some places produce good quality grafted fishing nets with poor handle, when used in, they almost all fail. Therefore, when buying, you should carefully consider whether the handle is thick or durable or not, mainly the material that makes the handle is aluminum. However, you can also opt for graphite or wood handles if they are well done.
3. Length of fishing net
Wherever you go to choose a suitable fishing net, you should pay attention to the length of the grip before buying. Basically, the handle length depends on how well you fish. If you are starting the position from the boat, you should choose a longer handle.
4. Size of net fishing
The size of the mesh is equally important because of its usability. But sometimes this characteristic also depends on the purpose of the fish and the areas it is caught, including the type of fish.
In fact, the size of the holes in the mesh is very important. For fragile and small fish like small trout, choose a small, lightweight net. Like walleye and bass, choose heavy nets with holes on average sized meshes of at least 1. 5 to 2 inches. Because the larger mesh size holes are, the less waterproof the water resistance will be and the easier it will be to move the mesh in the water.
5. Shape of fishing net
In the market, a fishing net can come in many different shapes such as rectangle, triangle, circle or diamond. On the other hand, the water drop and circular nets are ideal for catching small fish. The flat bottom nets are suitable for nets that are ideal for catching large fish.
6. Material of fishing net
Some common materials for fishing nets include nylon, rubber, or nylon coated materials. However, nylon is the preferred choice because of its availability and low cost. In order to have a high profit when fishing, use the wrong high net to catch or release the fish to avoid injury. In addition, nylon coating material is suitable for gills and flakes.
Fishing is not only a recreational activity on the sea, rivers and lakes, but also brings many profits for seafood products. In addition to fish nets, they also have many functions such as catching shrimp, crabs, and specialized fish in saltwater or freshwater. But the deduction is still from the goals and needs you want to catch in order to pick the nets you want. We have shared information about specific types of mesh, even small details to note such as materials, handles,... so that you have a better view and have a choice.