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  • Benefits of Running Stairs for Runners

Benefits of Running Stairs for Runners

By Jessie SwiftLast update: 2023-07-21

Many studies have shown that running can help you live longer, sleep better, boost your immune, and enhance your mood. Furthermore, it is beneficial to your knees and lower back. Here's some proof of the numerous benefits of running stairs for runners:

1. Benefits of Running Stairs for Runners

If you're looking for a way to make jogging more efficient, try stair climbing. You will recognize more amazing benefits of running stairs for runners. As you get to the top, the plyometric action can help you develop the same muscles as shaking and squatting while also increasing your lungs and heart.

Stairs, according to physiologists and running coaches, require you to work against gravity. This aids in the development of two key qualities for runners: strength and power. Whether you're sprinting to the finish line in a 5K or attempting to sustain speed in the last kilometers of a marathon, you'll need both.

Furthermore, because you are balancing and engaging one leg for a short amount of time, ascending stairs pushes you to engage muscle stabilizers, such as the glutes, that are ignored during regular running. When the opposite foot takes the following stride, reduce your chance of injury by strengthening these regions.

You'll note that the stairwell is far steeper than most hills. Indoor stairs typically have a slope of 65 percent, whereas sidewalks or curbs have a slope of only 4.5 percent. Climbing raises your heart rate and causes you to breathe quicker in order to absorb more oxygen. Your VO2 max (the greatest quantity of oxygen you can utilize during strenuous activity) will improve as a result of this.

Furthermore, high-intensity exercise aids your body's usage of oxygen and conversion of it into energy. You can run harder and for longer periods of time if your VO2 max is higher. Short stair climbs five days a week for eight weeks enhanced young women's VO2 max by 17%, according to medical research.

Include these stair workouts in your weekly training routine and watch your performance soar. Surely if you persist in practicing this way, you will know many benefits of running stairs for runners.

2. How to Run Stairs Safely

When participating in any sport, especially when running stairs, you should perfect the technique to avoid unwanted injuries. Running at a reasonable pace while leaning slightly forward is the rule to follow. He recommends landing as lightly as possible on your toes and swinging your arms pleasantly.

Furthermore, if you are unable to run, begin with strolling. Stair running, like flat-ground running, is a high-impact exercise. However, you should take it slowly at first to allow your joints and muscles to adjust to the exercise. As you gain strength, you will be able to increase the intensity at a faster rate and with more repetitions than before.

Running stairs will not raise your risk of injury if you walk at a rate that is appropriate for your body. During the exercise, all you have to do is be cautious and focused, as it is quite simple to slide and fall if you are not paying attention.

Step 1

If you want to increase your fitness, you should not ignore the benefits of stair running. You can exhaust the body by speeding up the exercise. Running stairs, of course, can help you raise your heart rate, burn fat, and strengthen your glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and core more effectively than stepping on the ground flat.

Many sports professionals advise newbies to crouch and wiggle their way up and down the stairs. If going outside to practice isn't an option, you can use the inside steps instead. All that is required is a 15-step staircase. Combine with the following stretching exercises for the best benefits and to keep your muscles loose and ready for the next workout.

Step 2

Remember to slowly mount the stairs, keep your shoulders back, and look straight ahead before walking down to ensure proper blood circulation in your legs. Rep this action multiple times to acclimate your body to the exercise's progression. After you've gotten adjusted to the pace, you can run up and down the stairs. Put most of your weight on your heels when going downhill so your glutes (rather than your knees) take the stress. Rep the previous action three times more.

Step 3

When practicing, keep in mind that your left foot should be on the second step and your right foot should be on the floor behind you. Then, rapidly step back to the starting position by raising your right knee to your chest.

Step off the floor with your left foot, then swing your right back foot (with your right knee directly over your ankle). Return to the beginning posture by quickly stepping back up with your left leg at chest height. Repeat 10 times on one side, then 10 more times on the other.

Step 4

Then, with your arms at your sides, sit on the edge of the second or third step. Press your palms down at the same time, elevating your buttocks off the step a little. It's also a good idea to expand your legs by putting your heels on the floor. (If your back hurts, keep your feet flat on the floor and bend your legs at a 90-degree angle.)

Then, while bending your arms at a 90-degree angle, slowly lower your back. Now sprint up and down the stairwell. Make a total of ten additional dips.

3. Some More Reasons You Should Consider Run

Running is never useless even if you only exercise at least once a week. In addition to the benefits of running stairs for runners, if you just practice running normally, do they have any other benefits?

Increase longevity

Increased longevity is one of the biggest benefits of running for runners. Running has been demonstrated in several studies to improve life expectancy. Other studies of running and longevity have found that runners have a 25 to 30 percent lower all-cause death rate than non-runners at follow-up.

Running has several biological advantages, including enhanced heart health, improved body composition (reduced fat), lower cholesterol, superior glucose and insulin management, stronger bones, and training. Hormones are more balanced, and nerve activity is more active.

A productive, healthy, and active life, on the other hand, is more than just a long life. That's where high-intensity exercise and fitness shine. Because "seniors" spend such a large portion of their public health expenditures on fatal illnesses, much study has concentrated on how to keep them healthy. This race is nearly usually won by exercise.

New research also shows that 75-year-old lifetime runners and cyclists (who have exercised for 50 years) have a biochemical profile similar to that of a 25-year-old graduate student, compared to their 75-year-old non-exercise contemporaries.

Sleep better

Sleeping better is also one of the good benefits of running for runners. Recent years have shown the importance of sleep. Good sleep not only improves quality of life but also helps people have more positive energy. And sleep can be especially important for athletes. After all, that's when the body does all its repair work.

Exercise increases sleep quality and makes it simpler for people to fall asleep sooner. The more activity you do, the more sleep you'll require. In addition, the less likely you are to exercise frequently, the worse your sleeping patterns are.

Runners have been cautioned that an evening workout might cause them to lose sleep the next night. A 2018 meta-analysis of 23 research on the subject, on the other hand, came to the opposite conclusion. With the exception of one intense intensity workout completed within an hour of night.

Improves immunity

Many studies, spanning more than 40 years, have found a robust relationship between exercise and immunity. The findings were largely positive, with a few cautionary remarks, and the researchers also looked at the influence of food on the runner's immunological condition.

The findings show that moderate exercise boosts immunity, ultra-endurance attempts reduce immunity (at least until you recover), and dark red/blue/black colored berries maintain your body robust and healthy.

Regular exercise helps improve the immune system's effectiveness, according to several other health researchers. Exercise books also suggest that moderate exercise enhances immune system functioning and so lowers the chance of illness.

Reduces Alzheimer’s

This is a fantastic finding regarding the advantages of running for runners. Jogging aids in the rise of heart rate and blood flow in the human body. This involves the delivery of oxygen-rich blood to the brain.

According to a meta-analysis, jogging enhances brain health quickly by increasing the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). This protein promotes the development and survival of brain nerve cells. High levels of activity, according to another study, increased total brain volume, including gray matter. Even if you don't start jogging until your forties or fifties, you'll benefit from protection against the sorts of brain plaques associated with cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease.

Improve knees and back

This is an advantage that many individuals find difficult to believe in. Running, they feel, has a negative impact on bones and joints. In addition, we frequently hear in the media that runners suffer from knee problems and must turn to cycling.

As a result, several studies have been done, with the conclusion that active marathon runners had a lower risk of arthritis than the general population. Even great runners appear to be in terrific shape.

Lose Weight

Running burns more calories than most other exercises since your body is always moving when you run. To receive the most writes, you don't have to go too quickly. Running slowly might also have substantial benefits (but it takes twice as long).

Exercise may and can lead to uncontrollable weight loss, according to the findings of research involving habitual runners. Running burns around 100 calories every mile, something you may not be aware of.

People can lose significant amounts of weight in about six months. Then, if you don't know how to maintain your weight, you can gain weight again. Usually, if the weight increases, it tends to gain more and faster.

Reduce cancer

Reducing cancer is also one of the benefits of running for runners that you should consider. A fascinating research on the exercise habits and cancer incidence among 1.44 million individuals in the United States and Europe was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

The scientists came to the conclusion that those who exercised vigorously, such as runners, had a decreased chance of getting 26 distinct kinds of cancer than those who exercised seldom or not at all. Nonsmokers and those who are underweight, two proven cancer preventers, were unable to evaluate the advantages. Exercise has a unique quality that aids in the prevention of cancer.

Furthermore, jogging is really beneficial if you have cancer. In that scenario, regular exercise can help you cope with the physical and emotional adverse effects of tough therapies. It also lowers the risk of acquiring another kind of cancer and decreases cancer mortality.

Reduces depression

Many athletes participate in this sport of running with the main purpose of improving their fitness. After a short while, these new runners often give an answer explaining why they pursue the sport because it makes them feel better. Regular runners seem to have better emotions, mood, and mental energy than non-runners, especially when they are under stress.

Multiple meta-analyses on exercise and depression have concluded that exercise is "an effective treatment" for depression. Besides, exercise is as effective as psychotherapy and prescription drugs; and exercise “could be an alternative” to medical treatments that are expensive and often difficult to find/schedule.

Substantial evidence has also been presented to support the use of exercise in the treatment of mental disorders, particularly depression. As this evidence emerges, it doesn't mean you should rely solely on running and other exercise when battling depression. Depression is now considered a serious and widespread illness and should be faced with a full range of medical approaches.

Improves glucose regulation

High blood sugar levels can lead to many common diseases such as diabetes, which is a major “side effect” of the obesity-overweight epidemic in the Western world. They also threaten the average lifespan a lot.

Numerous studies have shown that running and other intense exercise may considerably alleviate this bleak attitude. The American Diabetes Association claims that exercise can fully prevent or decrease type 2 diabetes (typically due to poor lifestyle). Jogging is also useful to those who have type 1 diabetes (mostly genetic). It may help delay the onset of type 2 diabetes in patients with prediabetes.

The most current findings on runners and diabetes risk, of course, were released towards the end of 2019. This study compared the prevalence of the illness in over 20,000 people over the course of six years. Runners have a higher risk of diabetes than non-runners. Runners had a 70 percent reduced risk of diabetes than non-runners. "Participation in leisure-time running is related with a decreased risk of acquiring type 2 diabetes in adulthood," the researchers found.


Many scientists have concluded that prevention is preferable to treatment. With the knowledge on the benefits of running stairs for runners, readers should be able to swiftly put this beneficial habit into practice. Aside from regular check-ups at the hospital, it's also a good idea to keep a careful watch on your health.

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